SUMAS Admission
The University is fully committed to efficient time management skills which are critical for students and lecturers alike in teaching and learning processes. Allocating realistic amount of time means effective learning for student and effective teaching for lecturers. How an institution defines time expectations for student, lectures, administrations, and other professional staff can establish the basis for high performances for all. Time on task will be a principle that applies to all person within, and all components of, an institution. The university will therefore consider student time on task (learning), lecturer time on task (teaching), and institutional time on task (devoted to teaching and learning). Student typically will have heavy course-hour requirement, and the University will expect a tremendous amount of work outside class in preparation for each hour. For lecturers, the University will ensure that individual teachers themselves commit sufficient time to the institutional task. Teachers are powerful role model for their student. The simple matter of starting and ending class on time can send important messages about how professors and profession view and use time. Corresponding efforts may be required to ensure the students are timely in their own class attendance. Lecturers will be expected to prepare conscientiously for class and employ teaching methods appropriate for the subject matters and objective of their courses. The objectives and requirement of their courses, including applicable attendance and grading rules, will be clearly stated.
The university is fully committed to devoting adequate resources to teaching. The University will actively compete for funds that are appropriated to support teaching enhancement and improvement, multidisciplinary teaching and collaborative teacher-student efforts. Private donors may be quite interested in programmes to enhance teaching. While donors have traditionally supported teaching through such gifts as endowed chairs, in recent years private funds have been successfully raised for other teachings initiatives. The university will develop a principles and practice programme, in which practicing professionals team-teach upper-level courses with fulltime lecturers. Students will learn from both the practitioners and the professors and members of the teaching-team learn from each other. The university will seek a donor to endow the programme, as well as donors to support lecturer-practitioner teams in individual principles-and-practice courses.
There will be significant investment of funds, time and energy in technology for learning, especially during the post -COVID-19. There is a critical need to articulate the fundamental guiding principles to drive decisions and policy making with respect to technology in learning. Learning technologies are those methods and practices used to learn and to facilitate learning. It is the way we learn and the way we teach. It includes the tools we use and the instructional design we apply. Technology in learning refers to the tools (hardware, software, networks, web applications(apps) and the processes (methods and strategies used for instruction, assessment, tracking student learning, our educational organizations, learning management systems), rolex replica in short, the way we do things in education. The following principles are intended to provide a guide for reflecting on the purpose and use of technology in learning:
iii) quality teaching, learning, programmes, and delivery are demanded by students and investors in education. The infrastructure must enable quality, not inhibit it.
(v) Access to learning must be the least restrictive possible. A dominant value in is for education to provide an opportunity for everyone to be successful, to fulfill themselves, and to contribute positively to society. Restrictions to formal learning activities can result from distance and remoteness, physical barriers, social and psychological barriers, inappropriate programs or lack of programs, lack of ‘seats’ available, financial barriers, readiness factors, and other conditions that prevent access by learners to formal learning opportunities. There are a multitude of educational delivery systems for distributed learning, such as audio conferencing, videoconferencing, web conferencing, TV, radio, web-based learning environments, social media, and DVDs.
(vi) Learning must be seen as personal and continuous, not lockstep, institutionalized, and always formalized. The principle of lifelong learning makes inherent sense to most, yet its practice is challenging. The paradigm for learning as a lifelong endeavour must be built into the structure of education and training providers and workplace.
(vii) Learning delivery technologies and course designs can be customized to meet the needs of individual learners. One of the advantages technologies bring to learning is the ease with which we can customize programs, courses, and services to individual learners. Now, with the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can adapt learning systems to be responsive to both the needs of learners and their performance.
Not only will the University focus on ways in which individual students and teachers can become more focused on appropriate tasks; the lecturers should also consider the institutional structure in which teaching, and learning occur. Lecturers will consider the impact of the University’s curriculum on their efforts to make the most of efficient use of student and staff time. The University will, furthermore, make efficient use of student time by careful curriculum planning. Moreover, the University will review its curricula regularly in with global best practices and to consider the needs of the stakeholders in our rapidly changing society.
Care Values
As operating ethos, the following values are prioritized to underlie the University’s mission. These values serve as the foundation for commitment of the University as a tertiary institution focusing on health sciences, technology, and legal studies to provide a more equitable and inclusive atmosphere for education, practice and research while envisioning both personal enhancement and social progress.
Respect: Vicissitude of ideas leads to gaining a trenchant perspective; thus, the university will respect diverse scientific approaches of its community members.
Communication: In pursuit of sustaining its leadership role, the university will exhort scholars to exchange ideas, and create an effective communicative environment. To serve its global vision, the university will also attempt to excel its international relations and communicate its scholarly views worldwide.
Diversity: The university will endeavour to be home to people from different walks of life. Diversity fosters a productive academic atmosphere, promoting the university’s mission and enriches a greater creative environment. Being hospitable to diverse backgrounds will strengthen understanding of each other.
Teamwork: Every department and division of the university will be called for synergy to boost both the university resourcefulness and scientific progress.
Unity: Although the university is deemed a platform for the plethora of options, a home to diverse people and a forum to exchange divergent ideas, it is viewed holistically and as an entity which attempts to become united with others across the globe.
Excellence: In teaching, research, and public service, excellence will be observed to utilize the available to create new ones and to ensure quality delivery.
Innovation: Consistently seeking noble approaches to healthcare systems, engineering, technology, and research will be among the focal values to positively impact practice and experience the university.
Compassion: Compassion will be one of the university’s true hallmarks reflected int the university’s humanitarian attitude in sympathizing with those suffering, standing with them in their suffering and endeavouring to alleviate their pains.
Service: Commitment to the well-being of the national community and any other person the university encounters will compel the university to provide the people with state-of-the-art service.
Respect for the national environment: The university recognizes the human impact on the environment and the ramifications that they shall consequently incur. The university, therefore, understands its responsibilities towards nature and values ecological solutions and interdisciplinary practices to ameliorate environmental degradation or diminish the negative results of the activities the university may cause.
Integrity: honesty and truth will pervade the university’s words and deeds and serve as the basis for every decision the university will make.
Office of Admission
State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State
[email protected]
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.