Prof. Okolie Charles Emeka

Allied Health Sciences Building, Allied Health Sciences Building, SUMAS








Charles Okolie is a molecular biotechnologist with expertise in development of molecular diagnostic (MDx) tests and sub-unit vaccines (SUV). Charles was awarded the University of Nottingham Developing Solutions Chevening Scholarship for Master of Science (MSc) degree in Molecular Medical Microbiology during the 2002/2003 academic session. Further funding allowed Charles to complete the degree of doctorate (PhD) at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Biomolecular Sciences (CBS), where he proffered solutions to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Panton-Valentine leukocidn (PVL) which menaced public health in the UK at the time. Charles developed two vaccines targetting the LukS-PV and LukF-PV units of PVL. Charles also developed multiplex MDx tests in real-time polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR) and conventional PCR platforms. Charles also served as the technical operator of the clinical trials of the first generation GeneXpert® MRSA-SA blood culture test (Cepheid, CA, USA) in Nottingham. Charles was the multiplex MDx researcher when the CBS was supporting a £3 million Technology Strategy Board project for UK’s first indigenous MDx platforms currently trading as Enigma®. He earned his PhD in 2009 from the University of Nottingham and returned to Nigeria on a teaching role at the University of Jos. Dr Charles Okolie is energetic, hard-working, friendly, a great leader and team player. Charles has attended and presented his research at a number of scientific events including the European Molecular Biology Organization meeting (EMBO 2015) in Birmingham, UK. Dr Charles Okolie’s published works include an invited chapter in the 2017 volume of the Springer Nature book Diagnostic Bacteriology in the very successful series Methods in Molecular Biology.

University of Nottingham, UK
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) December 2009

Eurest, Imperial Tobacco International Limited, Nottingham, England, UK
Certificate in Safety awarded May 2004

Eurest, Imperial Tobacco International Limited, Nottingham, England, UK
Certificate in Hygiene, April 2004.

University of Nottingham, UK.
Master of Science (MSc), December 2003

National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI), Vom, Near Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Medical Laboratory Technology
(renamed Medical Laboratory
Science Council of Nigeria, MLSCN), December 2001.

Federal School of Medical Laboratory Technology, located in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Associate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology (renamed MLSCN), June 1992

1) Nwonuma CO, Nwatu VC, Okolie CE, Aljarba NH, Batiha GE (2022). Experimentalvalidation and molecular docking to explore the active components of cannabisin
Charles_Okolie_Profile Page 8of 18testicular function and sperm quality modulations in rats. BMCComplementaryMedicine and Therapies 22, 227;

2) Ojo OA, Okolie CE, Alsharif KF, Batiha GE (2021). Deciphering the InteractionsofBioactive Compounds in Selected Traditional Medicinal Plants against Alzheimer’sDiseases via Pharmacophore Modeling, Auto-QSAR, and Molecular DockingApproaches. Molecules, 26(7), 1996;

3) Ojo OA, Ojo AB, Okolie CE, Atunwa B, Nwonuma CO, Alsharif KF, Batiha GE(2021).Elucidating the interactions of compounds identified from Aframomummeleguetaseedsaspromising candidates for the management of diabetes mellitus: A computational approach.Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 26, 100720;

4) Ndako JA, Ojo SKS, Okolie CE, Olatinsu O, Dojumo VT (2021). Studiesontheserological markers for hepatitis B virus infection among type 2 diabetic patients. JClinLab Anal. 2021;00:e23464

5) Ndako JA, Olisa JA, Ifeanyichukwu IC, Jegede SI, Okolie CE, Ojo SKS (2020). Evaluationof diagnostic assay of patients with enteric fever by the box-plot distribution method. NewMicrobes and New Infections 38, 100795.

6) Ndako JA, Okolie CE, Jegede SI (2020). Predictive evaluation of pediatricpatientsbased on their typhoid fever status using linear discriminant model. Medical Hypotheses144 (2020) 110264.

7) Nwozor A, Okolie C, Okidu O, Oshewolo S. The Looming Dangers of ExplosioninCommunity Transmissions of COVID-19 in Nigeria. Annals of Global Health. 2020;86(1): 95, 1–5. DOI:

8) Olaniran A, Afolabi R, Abu H, Owolabi A, Iranloye YM, Okolie CE, Akpor O(2020).Lime potentials as biopreservative as alternative to chemical preservatives inpineapple,orange and watermelon juice blend. Food Research 4(6):1878-1884. DOI:

9) Olaniran A, Abu H, Okolie C, Akpor O (2020). Comparative assessment of storagestability of ginger-garlic and chemical preservation on fruit juice blends. PotravinarstvoSlovak Journal of Food Sciences 14:88-94 DOI:

10) Okolie CE, Essien UC. (2019). Optimizing Laboratory Diagnostic ServicesforInfectious Meningitis in the Meningitis Belt of sub-Saharan Africa. ACSInfectiousDiseases. DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00340.

11) Ndako JA, Oranusi SU, Fajobi VO, Okolie C, Akinwumi J, Ohiobor GO. IncidenceofUrinary Tract Infection in a Rural Community of SouthWest, Nigeria. Saudi JournalofBiomedical Research. DOI:
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12) Okolie C, James R (2019). Four overlapping DNA fragments for sequencedetermination across Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidincodingregion. F1000Research; 8:1002. DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1116976.1.

13) Olaniran AF, Okolie CE, Abu HE (2019). Preservative Effect of Garlic-ginger, SodiumBenzoate and Ascorbic Acid in Unpasteurized Cashew Apple Juice. AsianJournalofScientific Research; 12: 414-420. DOI: 10.3923/ajsr.2019.414.420.

14) Okolie CE, Mercy Ashibi, Mohammed Faruk, Dangude Jigo Yaro, Saad AliyuAhmed,Peter Akpulu, Ibrahim Iliya, Peter Ocheni Anaja, Izegbuwa OghumwenKuale, JamesOlowo Enemari, Aghemunu Idahota Lucky, John Idoko (2018). ExploratoryStudyofSpecial Stains for Enhancing Histological Diagnosis of Bone MarrowDiseaseinaNigerian Teaching Hospital. Sikkim Manipal University Medical Journal;5(1):12-23.

15) Okolie CE, Tolulope Ayoola Ojo, Anne Adebukola Adeyanju, CharlesObioraNwonuma, Emenike Onyebum Irokanulo, Stephen Olugbemiga Owa (2018). ProtectiveEffects of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Annona senegalenesis against Gentamicin-inducedNephrotoxicity in Rats. Sikkim Manipal University Medical Journal;5(1):88-105.

16) Okolie CE (2017). Real-Time PCR to Identify Staphylococci and Assayfor Virulencefrom Blood. In: Bishop-Lilly KA, ed. Diagnostic Bacteriology. Methods inMolecularBiology: Springer Protocols, Heidelberg:183-207. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7037-7_12.

17) Shingdang J, Bot Y, Ojo O, Edeh O, Essien C, Bwende E, Okolie CandEkwempuAI(2016). Serum Albumin/Globulin ratio in Tuberculosis and HIVPatientsanyRelationship? Mycobacterial Diseases 6:199. DOI: 10.4172/2161-1068.1000199

18) Okolie CE, Wooldridge KG, Turner DP, Cockayne A, James R (2015). Developmentofa new pentaplex real-time PCR assay for the identification of poly-microbial specimenscontaining Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococci with simultaneous detectionof staphylococcal virulence and methicillin resistance markers. Mol Cell Probes29(3):144-150. 10.1016/j.mcp.2015.03.002

19) Okolie CE, Wooldridge KG, Turner DP, Cockayne A, James R (2015). Developmentofa heptaplex PCR assay for identification of Staphylococcus aureus andCoNSwithsimultaneous detection of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. BMCMicrobiology.15:157. DOI: 10.1186/s12866-015-0490-9

20) Okolie CE and Richard James (2015). Optimization And Evaluation of TriplexReal-Time PCR Assay For Detection of Genes Encoding Staphylococcal Virulenceand
Charles_Okolie_Profile Page 10of 18Methicillin Resistance Using Two Different Multi-Channel EmissionInstruments.Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 2(4):145-151. PDF.

21) Okolie CE and Richard James (2015). Development of New Pentaplex PCRAssayForDifferentiating Staphylococci From Other Bacteria With Simultaneous DetectionofStaphylococcus aureus Genes Encoding Panton-Valentine Leukocidin AndMethicillinResistance. Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology, 2(4): 250-259. PDF.

22) Okolie CE U. C. Essien and J. Idoko (2015). Genetic and phenotypic identificationofvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from retail poultrycarcassesinOmu-Aran, North-Central Nigeria. British Biotechnology Journal, 6(2):87-92. PDF.

23) U.C. Essien, C.C. Iheukwumere, G.I. Davou, Z. Sheyin, Okolie CE, F.R. EdeandA.I.Ekwempu (2015). Prevalence and Predictors of Asymptomatic Urinary Tract Infectionamong HIV Positive Patients in Jos, North Central Nigeria. IJCMAS, 4(9): 454-462. PDF.

24) Okolie CE, Alan Cockayne, Karl Wooldridge, Richard James (2014). Development andValidation of a New Diagnostic PCR Assay for vanA Gene EncodingVancomycinResistance in Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Applied MicrobiologyandBiotechnology Research, 2:1-10. PDF.

25) Okolie CE, Cockayne A, Penfold C, James R (2013). Engineering of the LukS-PVandLukF-PV subunits of Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin for Diagnosticand Therapeutic Applications. BMC Biotechnol.;13(1):103. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6750-13-103

26) Emmanuel Nna, Jonathan Madukwe, Ejike Egbujo, Chris Obiorah, Okolie CE, GodwinEchejoh, Amina Yahaya, James Adisa, and Ijeoma Uzoma (2013). Gene ExpressionofAurora Kinases in Prostate Cancer and Nodular Hyperplasia Tissues. MedPrincPract;22(2):138-43. DOI: 10.1159/000342679

27) O. B. Akpor, T. D. Olaolu and Okolie CE (2013). The Effect of TemperatureonNitrateand Phosphate Uptake from Synthetic Wastewater by Selected Bacteria Species. BritishMicrobiology Research Journal; 4(3)328-342. PDF.

28) Adepoju TF, Layokun SK, Olawale. O, Okolie CE (2013) Biotransformationof
Benzaldehyde To L-Phenylacetylcarbinol By Free Cells of Yeast (SaccharomycesCerevisae), Effects of Β-Cyclodextrin and Its Optimization. International Journal ofEngineering Science Invention; 2(11): 29-37. PDF

29) Mary-Jane N. Ofojekwu, Ogbonnaya U. Nnanna, Okolie CE, Lolade A. Odewumi,Ikechukwu O. Isiguzoro, Moses. D. Lugos (2013) Hemoglobin andSerumIronConcentrations in Menstruating Nulliparous Women in Jos, Nigeria. Lab Med: 44:121-124. DOI: 10.1309/LMM7A0F0QBXEYSSI
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30) Michael F. Loughlin, Victoria Arandhara, Okolie CE, Timothy G. AldsworthandPeterJ. Jenks (2009). Helicobacter pylori mutants defective in the clpPATP-dependantprotease and the chaperone clpA display reduced macrophage and murinesurvival.Microbial Pathogenesis 46 (1), 53-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2008.10.004

8.TRANSFERABLE AND EMPLOYABLE RESEARCH SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES Use of bioinformatics tools including DNASTAR Lasergene, ARTEMIS®, and ScansiteTM Gene cloning, gene knock in and knock out DNA preparation for purification, isolation, and amplification Protein expression in Prokaryotic (Escherichia coli) systems Tagged Protein purification by chromatography (Ni++-affinity, ion-exchange, & size exclusion) Recombinant DNA technology for Generation and establishment of microbial antigens/vaccines (whole pathogen and sub-units) using prokaryotic systems DNA and Protein Gel Electrophoresis (denaturing and self-developed native gel systems) Agar gel immuno-precipitation technique for antigen (proteins and viruses) diffusion Preparation and use of cell culture systems for antigen/protein/toxin/pathogen studies including propagation and killing/neutralization of pathogens (bacteria and viruses) Animal experimentation including whole animal and cellular models.