Assoc. Prof. Lolo Monica Eberechukwu Eze

Associate Professor Lolo Monica Eberechukwu Eze

(NCE - Lib. Sc. / Maths; - Lib. Sc. / Econs; MLS - Lib.Sc; Ph. D - LIS. Sc; FNLA; CLN; FCAI).

SUMAS University Librarian

Brief Citation

Monica Eberechukwu Eze is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, Enugu State University of Science and Technology. She obtained NCE in Library Science / Mathematics from Federal College of Education, Eha- Amufu, Enugu State (1988), B.Sc  (Second Class Upper in Lib. Sc./Economics) from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (1995), MLS Library and Information Science) (1998); from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, Ph. D in Library and Information Science from University of Nigeria Nsukka(2013).

Monica Eberechukwu Eze, a chartered Librarian started her career at the Enugu State Library Board where her professional experience, doggedness and dedication to duty enabled her to serve in some positions like Head Technical and Public Services Department, Co-ordinator- Rural Library Development in Enugu State, Co-ordinator Book gifts and Legal deposits, Enugu State Library Board 2002 – 2004, and President Co-operative Thrift and loan Society Ltd, Enugu State Library Board (1998-2010). She eventually rose to the position of Deputy Director, Enugu State Library Board in 2004. Just like the proverbial golden fish that has no hiding place, the dexterity and intellectual prowess with which Lolo M.E. Eze dispatches her duties culminated in her being appointed as the Pioneer College Librarian, Enugu State College of Education (Technical), ESCET in 2006.

Upon her appointment as the College Librarian, she championed the establishment of a standard academic library accredited by National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) in ESCET. She also championed the establishment of the Department of Library and Information Science (LIS) Degree Programme at ESCET, in affiliation with Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State in 2010. Her outstanding performance led to her re-appointment as a College Librarian in 2010. Lolo M. E Eze also attracted 120 laptops and many cartoons of relevant books to the College Library through National Communication Commission (NCC) Abuja in 2010.

Her current research interests include: Library Services to Children and Youth; Audio Visual Media Librarianship; Administration of School Libraries and Media Centres, Library Services to Special Group and Marketing of Library and Information Science. She has one book, 3 book Chapters, 28 Journal Articles and 7 peer- reviewed Conference Proceedings to her credit.

Lolo M. E. Eze has positively influenced students’ attitude to use of Library through her continuous advocacy and sensitization.  A seasoned librarian, Lady Eze has held many professional and administrative positions both locally and nationally.  Among these positions are: Financial secretary of Nigeria Library Association (NLA) Enugu State Chapter (2003 – 2006); Council Member of NLA (2008 – 2012); Chairman Local Organizing Committee for NLA National Conference – 2014; Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT, 2018-2022) where she won full Accreditation for the Department. She is equally an ardent member of the Nigeria Library Association.

 Associate Professor Monica E. Eze is a Fellow of Nigeria Library Association (NLA) 2017, Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration (FCAI) 2011 and a recipient of the Professional service Award by Rotary International District 9140, Nigeria – 2015.