SUMAS Admission
Malachy Nnaemeka Asogwa is a seasoned Physicist with over 8 years experience being in a academic sector. He is a PTDF scholar and has won other academic awards. He had his University education at university of Nigeria Nsukka and University of Valladolid Spain.
M.Sc( Mobility ) in Physics 2021-2021
University of Valladolid (Uva) Spain
Activities: At the course of my stay in Uva, I learnt the following: Quantum Simulation of Nanomaterials , Use of Latex and Mathematica for paper writing ,Biomaterials Experimentation (I have learnt Basic Laboratory Instrumentation, Bioproduction of Biomaterials by means of a biotechnological process, characterization of biomaterials etc.). Computational modeling of Semi-conductors and Technological processes, Computational modeling of Metamaterials, Experimental techniques for the Characterization of Semiconductors and Insulators Lab.: Bioforge Laboratory, Lucia building, University of Valladolid, Spain
B.Sc in Physics and Astronomy 2013-2017
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Final year research project research area: Renewable Energy Physics This Involved: Synthesis and characterization of methylammoniumhalide perovskites Characterization of the synthesized compounds using SEM, UV, and XRD.
West African Senior School Certificate Examination 2012
M.N. Asogwa, A.C. Nwanya, A.C Agbogu, F.I Ezema “Supercapacitor: an alternative to battery
energy supply” in Graphene Oxide in Enhancing Energy Storage Devices (Published Manuscript
Taylor and Francis, 2022)
M.N. Asogwa, A.C. Nwanya, A.C Agbogu, F.I Ezema “Application of Graphene Oxide in Fuel
Cells Fabrication and Performance Optimization” in Graphene Oxide in Enhancing Energy
Storage Devices (Published Manuscript Taylor and Francis, 2022)
Natural and Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Proficiency in the use of ICT Technology
1. PTDF MSc Scholar 2021/2022
2. Chukwuka Cosmas Ezenma-CBSS Research Grant Award 2022/2023
3. NsukkaUSA Inc. Award for outstanding academic achievement 2017