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Our Goals and Objectives

The state university of medical and applied sciences shall be firmly committed to offering students of widely varied ages, backgrounds, interests and needs, a broad range of educational opportunities and experiences.

The objectives of the university shall be, to:

(a) Provide a wide range of quality learning opportunities for undergraduates and postgraduate students without distinction of race, creed, sex, religion, or political convictions that will enhance their best intellectual, social, and personal development.

(b) provide academic, professional, and vocational training of high quality in a way as to enrich and improve state, super clone rolex national and international human resource capabilities and assist its graduates to contribute to the common good of the society.

(c) foster academic research which contributes to human knowledge and the vitality of the institution.

(d) Encourage thoughtful and responsible staff and students’ participation in local, state, national and international affairs.

(e) Maintain the highest academic standards in respect of university degrees and other awards and preserve and protect their reputation and integrity.



The following strategies will be adopted to achieve the goals and objectives of the University:

  • There will be undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in relevant disciplines to meet the students’ need for learning, teachers’ need for research, and the societal need for solutions to science and technological challenges. The University will make itself accessible to diverse markets and offer curricula of international standard designed to serve their needs. Quality of learning experiences will be preserved.
  • The courses will be broad-ranged and integrated to facilitate the learners’ required mental and social development as well as enhance their creativity and productivity.
  • The University will attract, recruit, and retain staff within and outside Nigeria, with the skills, experience, exposure, and positive attitudes implement its strategies as well as create a cutting-edge research environment to maximize the potentials of the members of staff.

Attractive remunerations will be paid by the University retain the best staff.

  • There will be compulsory entrepreneurship and general studies courses to cut across all programmes. They include Communication in English, Logic and Critical Thinking, Nigerian Peoples and Culture, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, and Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills.
  • The proposed Enugu State University will be non-discriminatory because gender, tribe, religion, political learnings, or physical disability in its admissions of students. Only candidates that are highly qualified and able to benefit from good University education will however stand a good chance of being admitted. In addition to the UTME, there would be other student selection examination/interview.
  • The methods of instruction will be face-to-face interaction – a normal 15- week semester for proper educational impartation of knowledge using modern technology . Practical and tutorials will also be designed, and students will be given opportunities to think out projects and work under supervision. Modern teaching techniques will also be employed to produce thoroughly bred students. There will be huge investment in technology for learning.
  • There will be continuous assessment will be completed based on achieving competence, not duration of learning/training.
  • There will be periodic curriculum review to consider feedback from organizations and employers of labour. While collaborations with leading scientific, educational, and industrial center’s will be initiated and sustained; there will be collaborative and responsive inclusion of relevant stakeholders in decision making.
  • There will be students’ services and enrolled students will have access to these services which will include welfare, career planning and placement and accommodation.
  • The strictly adhere to the projected student population to ensure that it does not exceed it carrying capacity at any time.
  • The University will embark on operation ‘train the trainer’, offering training opportunities and staff development programmes in world class universities to the academic staff and other essential support staff.
  • There will be a minimization of financial disadvantages to learners. The Enugu State Government will ensure adequate funding to ensure that the University attains its projected world class status.


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Contact Info

Office of Admission

State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State

[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

SUMAS Campus Tour