ANA Required Ancillary Courses (200L-2ND Semester)


PYS 204 Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology

Department : Anatomy
Campus : Sumas University
Level : 200 Level, Undergraduate
Instructor : Sumas University Lecturer
Semester : Second Semester
Credit : 2 Units
Method : Lecture
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BCH 234Metabolism of Protein, Nucleic Acids

Department : Anatomy
Campus : Sumas University
Level : 200 Level, Undergraduate
Instructor : Sumas University Lecturer
Semester : Second Semester
Credit : 2 Units
Method : Lecture
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BCH 232Metabolism of Carbohydrates and lipids

Department : Anatomy, Nursing Science
Campus : Sumas University
Level : 200 Level, Undergraduate
Instructor : Sumas University Lecturer
Semester : Second Semester
Credit : 3 Units
Method : Lecture
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PYS 236Basic Renal Physiology and Body Fluids

Department : Physiology
Campus : Sumas University
Level : 200 Level, Undergraduate
Instructor : Sumas University Lecturer
Semester : Second Semester
Credit : 2 Units
Method : Lecture
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PYS 224Basic Gastrointestinal Tract

Department : Physiology
Campus : Sumas University
Level : 200 Level, Undergraduate
Instructor : Sumas University Lecturer
Semester : Second Semester
Credit : 2 Units
Method : Lecture
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