SUMAS Admission
Introduction to the Science and Profession of medical Laboratory Science. The different arms of Medical Laboratory Sciences. Hall marks characterizing the lives of all professions; licensing to practice. Group culture patterns. Justice, rights and responsibilities as a professional.
The concept of duty, professional standards and Laboratory management, Authority and discipline. The use of reason. Personal relationships – inter and intra professional. Act of good faith. Place of religion in the hospital. Value judgment, exercise of professional judgment, skill and care charge and wellbeing of patients.
Patients – professional relationship – confidentiality, communication skills; trust; seeking to safe guard patients, particularly in respect to health and safety and information. Research training, professional development, knowledge and skill, quality control in the field of medical laboratory sciences and practice: reputation, Fulfilment of professional role with integrity, refraining from its misuse to the detriment of patients, employers and colleagues. Medico-legal aspects.