MLS 504

Practical Exercise II

Each student carries out practical based on the area of major specialty.

Clinical Chemistry

Determination of blood glucose, glucose tolerance test. Determination of calcium and phosphate, uric acid, cholesterol, creatinine clearance, electrolytes and urea, total protein albumin and globulin. Plasma protein electrophoresis. Determination of plasma enzymes: aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, acid and alkaline phosphatase. Demonstration. Blood gases and pH by Astrup Technique. Paper and thin layer chromatography, Immunoelectrophoresis and agar gel immunodiffusion techniques.

Demonstration: Radioimmunoassay of hormones in blood. Estimation of urinary buffers. Calculation from first principle. Absorption and calibration curves. Colour equivalence of artificial standards. Fractional test meal. Calculi analysis.

Haematology and Blood Group Serology

Investigations in paternity dispute. Investigation of haemorraghic and preparation of cryoprecipitate, hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). Hemoglobinopathies, auto-immune hemolytic anaemia, enzymopathies. Preparation of antisera, bovine albumin, anti-human globulin. Gamma globulin neutralization test. Forensic application of Blood Group Serology. Differential leucocyte counts. Cytochemical procedures. Advanced techniques e.g. Demonstration of Iron, Foetal Haemoglobin, Ham’s Test etc.


Special staining methods – PAS, Manson Trichrome, Iron Impregnation Methods. Cytological staining methods and collection of cytological samples. Chromosome analysis. Autoradiography. Museum techniques. Cyto-screening and slide reporting. Cutting sections using the microtomes. Tissue (cell) culturing, Fungi, amyloid, enzyme and other specialized demonstration methods.

Medical Microbiology and Parasitology

Examination, culture and identification of bacteria in CSF pleural, ascitic fluid, Blood culture, High vaginal swab, wound swabs, ear, eye, nasal and other swabs. Stool bacteriology. Sputum bacteriology, Urine bacteriology. Systemic fungal culture and identification. Semen analysis. Special serological tests. ASO Widal, VDRL, Rheumatiod factor, Complement fixation, neutralization, hemagglutination tests for identification of viruses. General identification of micro-organisms by animal inoculation. Biochemical tests for identification of vibro cholera, Shigella, candida, Neisseria.

Course Code
MLS 504
Medical Laboratory Science
Sumas University
500 Level, Undergraduate
Sumas University Lecturer
Second Semester
4 Units