PST 462

Physiotherapy in Women’s Health

Review of relevant anatomy, Pregnancy and physiology of pregnancy: Menstruation, pregnancy and fetal development, Complications of Pregnancy: ectopic, pre-eclamptic toxaemia, eclampsia, ante partum hemorrhage, placenta praevia, diabetes mellitus, Physical and physiological changes of labor: the stages of labor, signs of labor, normal labor and delivery, labor pain and causes of labor pain, the effect of labor on the pelvic floor and perineum, the duration of labor, Apgar score, Complications of labor: failure to progress, maternal and fetal distress, mal-presentation, prolapse or presentation of cord, hemorrhage (APH and PPh), contracted pelvis and cephalopelvic disproportion, The puerperium: Puerperium and its briefly activity, Complications in the puerperium: postpartum hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, gravitational oedema, fistulas. The ante-natal period: members of the antenatal medical team, antenatal problems, Sacroiliac dysfunction, osteoporosis of pregnancy, nerve compression: carpal tunnel, posterior tibial nerve compressor, circulatory disorders: varicose veins in legs, haemorrhoid, cramp, pain relief in labor: drugs for pain relief in labour, TENS in the management of labor pain, Lamaze(distraction analgesia) Postnatal problems: urinary retention, urinary incontinence, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, Caeserian section: pain in CS, respiratory problems in CS, teaching effective coughing, TENS in CS, Common gynecological problems: pelvic inflammatory disease, cystocele, urethrocele, enterocele, uterine prolapse, dysmennorrhoea, female athlete triad, Detailed approach continence and in continence. Where appropriate conditions must be discussed in detail including the definition, aetiology, epidemiology, investigation, medical and physiotherapy management.

Students will be exposed to instructing women before and after child birth in appropriate exercises. Students will also be exposed to history taking, physical examination and specific assessment procedures and clinical judgments, treatment and evaluation of patients with gynaecological problems. Students will also be exposed to the appropriate ways of communicating treatment goals and plans to the patient. Gaining practical experiences during posting on the effect of labor on the pelvic floor and perineum, the duration of labour, Apgar score, Complications of labour: failure to progress, maternal and foetal distress, mal- presentation, prolapse or presentation of cord, hemorrhage (APH and PPh), contracted pelvis and cephalopelvic disproportion, The puerperium: Puerperium and its briefly activity, Complications in the puerperium: postpartum haemorrhage, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, gravitational oedema, fistulas and other relevant experiences.

Course Code
PST 462
Sumas University
400 Level, Undergraduate
Sumas University Lecturer
Second Semester
3 Units