SUMAS Admission
Overview of respiratory system, management of patients with respiratory conditions using problem oriented medical system. Subjective assessment- breathlessness, wheeze, cough, sputum, objective assessment- auscultation, spirometry, chest shapes and movement, breathing pattern, chestradiography, blood gas analysis and implication for management. Principles of management and outcomes measure in respiratory care, physiotherapy techniques: active cycle of breathing, glosso-pharyngeal breathing, forced expiratory technique, manual hyperventilation, breathing control, airway clearance techniques and adjunct, non-invasive ventilation, basic life support. Management of specific respiratory conditions: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis, pulmonary oedema, pulmonary tuberculosis, carcinomas, post surgical conditions e.g. lobectomy, thoracotomy, pneumonectomy. Pulmonary rehabilitation and reconditioning, health education and promotion, smoking cessation, nutrition and other life style modifications. Paediatric respiratorycare.