SUMAS Admission
Definition, Purpose and Scope: Definition, nature and functions of entrepreneurship (including pharmacy business); types of entrepreneurship. Managerial Skills: Definitions of management and administration; Management process; Importance of management in pharmacy business (customers/patients/public relationship, retail competition, selling and promotion in hospital and community pharmacies); Industrial pharmaceutical organisation (medical and sales representative); Marketing (concept, functions, marketing mix and communication, product growth, salesmanship); Advertising and sales promotion; Personnel management (leadership, recruitment, remuneration, negotiation, staff training, evaluation, motivation and management). Entrepreneurial Development: Generating and developing business ideas; conducting market surveys; preparing a business plan; selecting a business location, including roads, water and electricity supplies, and appropriate technology for the business. Policy and Legal Framework: Legal procedure; information service; intellectual property rights and patenting of inventions; risk and insurance; legal aspects of employment; taxation; ethics and good business practice. Principles and methods of Marketing (including merchandizing) (detailing)- art of selling; regulation associated with selling, pricing; Fundamentals of marketing drugs in community, starting out (community pharmacy), personal goals; financial considerations, meeting capital needs, regulatory and legal considerations, understanding the business environment, location analysis, layout, design, fixtures, equipment and modernization of pharmacies; business plan; Fundamentals of Accounting – specially adopted to Pharmaceutical operations. Introduction to LMIS (Logistics Management Information Systems), quantification of health medicines, requirements, drug procurement/supply planning and shipment scheduling, min/ max; inventory control system, adjusting pipeline in the Min/Max; storage and distribution of commodities, assessing health LS; DRF. Hospital Pharmacy organization and services. Principle of organizations: planning, directing, coordinating, organization control and leadership, products selected and personal selection. Patterns and methods of drug distributions and advertising, pharmacy finance and administration; Human Resource Management, delegation and performance evaluation. Record systems; Contemporary concepts in pharmacy practices e.g. Computers, electronic data system.