SUMAS Admission
Definition. Overview of basic Economics structure and politics of Nigeria health system. Healthcare costs pharmacoeconomics techniques i.e. cost minimization, cost effectiveness, cost utility (quality of life), cost benefits, pharmaeconomics methods, i.e. Objectives, study design, comparison of alternatives and cost assessment. Pharmaceutical outcomes, health maintenance organizations, National Health Insurance scheme (NHIS) – Definitions, scope, organization, working principles, and pharmaceutical practice in the NHIS, Economics of drug prescription.
Starting & Managing a Pharmacy Enterprise:
Pharmacy financing and administration (sources and limitations of funds, choosing between new pharmacy and buying existing one, purchasing part-time interest in existing pharmacy) and healthcare financing (government and donor finance, revolving funds, etc.); Managing drug supply (drug procurement, quality assurance, storage, distribution, and inventory control/management).
Finance and Record Keeping:
Financing business venture; costing and pricing products/services; financial analysis and control (record-keeping systems, financial statements and their analysis, and budgeting and cash flow.
Research & Development:
Consultancy and research services; product design, development and presentation; launching of new products/services.