SUMAS Admission
Historical development of microbiology and the effect on Health. General Structure of bacterial cells. The bacterial spore, its structure and resistance to inactivating agents. Systemic classification of bacteria and characteristics of major groups-Taxonomy. Protoplast, Spheroplasts and L-forms. Nutritional requirements and growth of microorganism. Fungi and molds; their importance in pharmacy, and medicine. The Rickettssia, Chlamydia, Viruses (including HIV/AIDS) and viral replication. Introductory Parasitology. Protozoal parasites of public importance. Cultivation and isolation methods for microorganisms. Bacterial culture media and evolution of pure culture technique. Bacteria growth in culture and respective phases including death. Diagnostic techniques: stains and staining reaction, metabolism in microbial system. Enumeration of microorganisms. Genetics (introductory)-Viruses and systematics.