MLS 201

Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science

Exercises on design and detailing of connections, basic s

General introduction to Medical Laboratory subjects, namely: Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Medical Microbiology, Histopathology and Immunology. Specimen collection, reception and registration, storage and disposal. Specimen bottles. Safety precautions in Pathology laboratories – against Chemical, Biological, Electrical and Radiation hazards. Microscopy and microtomy, use and care of Microscopes. Sterilization – principle and techniques, chemical and physical. Glassware – ­care and maintenance. Refrigeration – principle, uses and care. Handling of Laboratory animals. Principles of tissue preservation, fixation, processing and staining, handling of surgical autopsy/biopsy specimens, removal of formalin pigments. Basic tools of the microbiologist – wire loop, cotton wool, pipettes, swabs and their uses. Basic staining techniques- Gram’s stain and Ziehl-Nelson’s stain. Principles and components of haematological stains, blood film preparation and staining. Counting Chambers – care and uses, Hb and PCV estimation.

tructural elements in steel and timber.  Exercises on design and detailing of reinforced concrete beam, slabs and short columns.

Course Code
MLS 201
Medical Laboratory Science
Sumas University
200 Level, Undergraduate
Sumas University Lecturer
First Semester
3 Units