SUMAS Admission
Review of relevant physics, Electricity and magnetism, Forms of current: Direct, alternating. Low frequency electrical stimulating currents: physiology of nerve stimulation. Electrical stimulation of the excitable tissues (nerve and muscle), Accommodation, Faradic type current –definition, parameters, motor points, methods of application, physiological effects, therapeutic uses, indications, contraindications, dangers and precautions, techniques of application of faradic bath, faradism under pressure. Interrupted galvanism – definition, parameters, methods and techniques of application. Physiological effects, therapeutic uses indications and contraindications, dangers and precautions. Direct current (galvanism): definition, parameters, methods and techniques of application. Physiological effects, therapeutic uses. Indications and contraindications. Dangers and precautions of iontophoresis especially in the management of wounds and hyperhidrosis. Electrodiagnosis: strength – duration curves, electromyography, chronaxie, rheobase, nerve conduction test, faradic test etc. Values of each method to be discussed. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Definition, parameters, types, technique of application, therapeutic uses, indications and contraindication, dangers and precautions. Interferential therapy: Definition, parameters, methods and techniques of application, physiological effects, therapeutic uses, mechanisms of pain relief, indications and contraindications, dangers and precautions.