CPE 521

Cyberpreneurship & Cyberlaw

Introduction: Definition of creativity, innovation, examples of creativity leading to innovation, commercialization of creative and innovative ideas. Trends in technology development. Entrepreneurship management and ownership. Characteristics of entrepreneur, starting a new business, business planning, strategic planning & management, site selection and layout. Establishing new venture, risk management. Business Plan Development: definition, need, preparation of business plan. Forecasting developments and charting an action plan . Identifying the product/service, market research and feasibility study. Financing business. Sources of debt financing. Creating the marketing plan, pricing, creative advertising and promotion. Entrepreneurship case studies: Overview and analysis of successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Michael Dell, David Filo and Jerry Yang of Yahoo, etc. Nigerian Entrepreneurship: Discussion of Nigerian business environment, and illustrated with successful Nigerian entrepreneurs. Overview of the Nigerian Legal System: Civil and criminal. Basic concepts of law. Contract Law. . Current issues: digital signatures, Intellectual property and copyright. Speech Law: Defamation, Sedition, Printing Press Act. Speech on the Internet.

Advertising Code: Made in Nigeria rules and guidelines, Advertising Standards. Media and Licensing law in Nigeria: Developing an in-depth understanding of the nature and function of Nigerian media law. Public and Private licensing. Intellectual and moral rights. Music royalties, synchronization rights, performance rights. Role of music publishers. Broadcast rights, merchandising. Detailed analysis of Communications and Multimedia Act. Ethic and Etiquette: New codes of social behaviour: the right to privacy.

Course Code
CPE 521
Computer Engineering
Sumas University
500 Level, Undergraduate
Sumas University Lecturer
First Semester
3 Units