SUMAS Admission
Historical development of cryotherapy, Principles of chemical preparations for cold therapy and endothermic reactions, Physiological effects, therapeutic uses, indication and contraindications, Methods and techniques of application, Dangers and safety measures. Historical background of Hydrotherapy, Hydrodynamic laws – Archimedes Law, Pascal’s Law, Surface tension, etc. Body immersion and weightlessness, Therapeutic pools (types), Whirlpools and Baths, Pool accessories. Therapeutic pool environment- pool temperature, pH, humidity, ventilation, water hygiene (disinfectant). Methods of exercise in therapeutic pools – conventional method and Bad-Raqaz method, Physiological effects, therapeutic uses, indications, contraindications, dangers (including waterborne diseases) and safety measures. Application to specific conditions – paralytic (poliomyelitis), spastic, rheumatic and orthopaedic conditions, Pool plants – components, care and maintenance of pool. Exercises in water versus exercises on land – advantages and disadvantages.