SUMAS Admission
(Pre-requisite: CHM 221 and 222)
Stercochemistry: Optical isomerism, configuration, symmetry, racemisation, inversion, asynmmetric synthesis; SN1, & SN2, mechanism: Geomertical isomerism, reaction properties and determination of configuration of isomer. Stereoselectivity: The strain theory applied to cyclic compounds. Amines and Oximes carbohydrates: Nomenclature and classification; monosaccharides – general reactions, preparation and configurations epimerization, ring structure, disacchaids – sucrose, lactose and maltose, polysaccharides – starch, cellulose, glycogen, pectin and insulin. Polynuclear hydrocarbons; isolated condensed ring compounds – their synthesis and reactions and spectroscope properties. Organometallic compound: Classification, preparation, structures reactions and uses of some organometallic compounds e.g. of Mg, Zn, Al, Sn, Pb, Hg, Cd and Bi. Synthetic utility of Organometallics: General and detection of free radical free organometallic compounds.