SUMAS Admission
Software development life cycle. Top-Down design. Program, design using pseudo-code, flowchart. Flowchart ANSI symbols and usage. Extensive examples, and exercises using pseudo-code/flowchart to solve practical problems in engineering. Debugging and documentation techniques. Programming using a structural language such as C: Symbols, keywords, identifiers, data types, operators, various statements, operator precedence, type conversion, conditional and control structures, function, recursive functions. Arrays: 1-D, and multidimensional arrays, passing elements or whole array to a function. Simple sorting and searching on arrays, pointers, strings, dynamic memory allocation. Structures and Unions: Structure declaration and definition, accessing structures, array of structures, pointers and structures, union declaration, enumerated variables. File Handling: Concept of a file, files and streams, standard file handling functions, binary files, random access files. Advanced Topics: Command line parameters, pointers to functions, creation of header files, stacks, linked lists, bitwise manipulation. Software development in C in MS Windows, UNIX/LINUX environments, header file, preprocessor directives, make, makefile. Static and dynamic linking libraries. Extensive examples, and exercises programming in C to solve practical problems in engineering. Exercises are to be done in the Computer Laboratory.