SUMAS Admission
Independent research findings into selected areas/topics of interest to the supervising academic staff. Students will be required to carry out literature survey on the topics. Perform experiments and produce reports (preferably at the end of second semester). Students will be subjected to both seminar and oral examination on the projects undertaken. Each final year student is expected to carry out a research project on a topic to be assigned by the department, write a project report and defend it orally before an external examiner. Candidates must have earned minimum of 72 credit units and passed BCH 311 and must have completed the mandatory SIWES programme. The research project shall include both first and second semesters. Independent research finding in selected areas/topics of interest to the academic supervisor. Student will be required to carry out literature survey on the topics, perform experiments and produce short reports at the end of the second semester. Students will be subjected to both seminar and oral examination on the projects undertaken